Boasting extensive experience in all aspects of dewatering and water transfer, Hall can tailor cost-effective water management solutions to meet the individual needs of clients and achieve regulatory compliance.
Our services include:
Dewatering is a necessity for open-cut mining and underwater operations and involves removing water to address challenges associated with flooding and environmental conditions like groundwater ingress. It plays an important role in enabling safe mining below the water table.
Hall owns and operates a range of pumps that can be utilised to dewater dams and mine pits, creating dry, workable conditions.
The pumped water can be used in wash plants or for other operational purposes such as dust suppression.
Our expertise in civil construction also allows us to construct temporary sediment basins where required to successfully manage surface water.
Emergency dewatering
We understand time is money, and when sites are negatively impacted by rain and flooding, it is critical to resume operations promptly and safely.
Hall can assist with extracting floodwater, and we pride ourselves on our ability to mobilise quickly in emergency situations and support mine sites during potentially catastrophic events.
Waste/process water transfer
Whether it’s obtaining large volumes of water from a reservoir or dam or lowering the water table to enable mining operations to continue, the successful management of a water is a fundamental consideration on any mine site.
Hall possesses the capabilities and equipment to shift large volumes of water, making it available when and where it’s needed. For sites with a water surplus, we can safely discharge this off-site in line with licencing conditions.
Our team will assess water quality, intake and accessibility when customising a suitable solution, and can comfortably manage contaminated water.
Slurry pumping
Using our extensive range of dredges, booster stations and pipelines, our team has the capability to pump dredged material more than 10km for storage or reprocessing.
Slurry pumping can be a cost-effective alternative to more traditional transport mediums such as trucks and conveyor belts.